image of lady looking after gentleman by Mullins & Treacy LLP Solicitors WaterfordMullins & Treacy LLP LLP Solicitors Waterford

How to Avoid Becoming a Ward of Court

You can avoid becoming a Ward of Court by making an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) while you still have mental capacity. This allows you to nominate an attorney to make personal care decisions on your behalf. An RTE Investigates report Following…
Image of lady holding sign for gender equality by Mullins & Treacy LLP Solicitors WaterfordMullins & Treacy LLP LLP Solicitors Waterford

Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Mullins & Treacy has signed the Law Society’s Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) Charter. This demonstrates our commitment to creating a culture of inclusion, mutual respect and equal opportunity, both in our workplace and…

What Qualifies as a Personal Injury?

Under law, a personal injury is any injury that happens because of another party’s negligence. When this happens, the injured person or their family are entitled to make a claim for damages. What is the definition of personal injury in…
image of doctor for Irish Water Contamination by Mullins & Treacy LLP Solicitors WaterfordMullins & Treacy LLP LLP Solicitors Waterford

Did you fall ill because of the Irish Water Contamination?

Have you suffered an illness as a result of the Irish Water Contamination? At least 52 people fell ill after a failure at the Creagh water treatment plant caused contaminated water to enter the public drinking supply. If you were one of…
image of clients discussing covid injury claims at Mullins treacy Solicitors WaterfordMullins treacy Solicitors Waterford
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Claims for Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries

Those who suffer significant injuries as a direct result of the Covid-19 vaccine could be entitled to pursue a civil claim. If this has happened to you, contact us now at Mullins & Treacy. We are client focused and results driven. Covid-19…
image of wills and divorce at Mullins treacy Solicitors WaterfordMullins treacy Solicitors Waterford

How Does Marriage and Divorce Affect a Will?

In Ireland, marriage revokes a Will unless it was made in contemplation of the union. A divorce does not automatically invalidate a Will, so your ex-spouse could still inherit a share of your estate – unless their succession rights have…
image of elder couple reviewing their will by Mullins & Treacy LLP Solicitors WaterfordMullins & Treacy LLP LLP Solicitors Waterford

What it Means if Your Will is Invalid

If your Will is invalid, then your estate will either be distributed according to the terms of your previous Will. Or, you will be considered to have died intestate, meaning your assets will be distributed according to the Succession Act 1965. Why…
buying and selling property ay Mullins & Treacy LLP Solicitors WaterfordMullins & Treacy LLP LLP Solicitors Waterford

Sale Agreed vs Exchange of Contracts

Sale Agreed vs Exchange of Contracts: A property ‘Sale agreed’ is when the seller accepts your offer and takes the property off the market. Exchange of contracts is when you and the seller sign the legal contract, at which point the sale…
medical image for PI-Cancer-Misdiagnosis by Mullins & Treacy LLP Solicitors WaterfordMullins & Treacy LLP LLP Solicitors Waterford

Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims

Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims - a cancer misdiagnosis is when medical practitioners fail to detect cancer, despite the patient either complaining of symptoms or undergoing tests. If medical practitioners failed to…