When “I do” becomes “I don’t”

We all dream of the perfect spouse or partner, that perfect job, car, holiday and life. When children enter the mix, it seems that life is complete. But life does not always go as planned and it happens. You break up. Its unfortunate. No adult…

Solicitors fees for a property transaction – what a rip off?

So you’re in the middle of buying or selling a home or property? Congratulations! That’s some pretty big news! You’ve got a lot on your plate now, don’t you? Now is around the time that you’re getting an idea about the overall cost…
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How To Be A DIY Solicitor

Welcome to our first blog in what will hopefully be a regular series brought to you by Mullins & Treacy! In these blog posts we’ll be bringing hints, tips, tricks and news that may be of interest to you! If there’s anything you’d like…
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Mullins & Treacy LLP Newsletter

Operation Transformation at Mullins & Treacy HOW LOSING 8 STONE IN 8 MONTHS has transformed my life. My weight loss has given me a new found energy. Mullins and Treacy has also been TRANSFORMED, what with rebranding, setting up our website…