What Does Buyer Beware Mean?
Buyer beware is a legal principle that applies when purchasing the property. It means that the buyer – and not the seller – is responsible for uncovering any defects in the property.
Caveat emptor
In Ireland, property is bought on the…
Covid-19: The Perfect Time to Buy a Property?
Like other sectors, the property market all but came to a standstill when the nation went into lockdown in March. But with restrictions easing and Ireland returning to a ‘new normal’, the business of buying and selling houses is back up…
The Difference Between Joint Tenants and Tenants in Common
If you buy a property with someone else, you need to decide whether you want to buy as joint tenants or as tenants in common. There are key differences between the two, particularly when it comes to the matter of survivorship.
Joint tenants
Joint Tenancy and Inheritance Tax for Unmarried Couples
In the excitement of buying a property with your partner, it is unlikely that you have given much thought as to what will happen if one of you dies. It is a morbid subject and probably not something you want to think about.
But while it may…
What Searches Do I Need When Buying a Property
What Searches Do I Need When Buying a Property?
When you buy a property in Ireland, there are various searches that must be carried out. If you instruct a solicitor, these searches will be carried out for you.
Why do you need property searches?
10 Step Guide to Selling a Residential Property in Ireland
10 Step Guide to Selling a Residential Property
Although selling a property is thought to be less stressful than buying a property, there is still a lot to be done during the conveyancing process. To help you understand what to expect, take…
10 Step Guide to Buying a Residential Property
10 Step Guide to Buying a Residential Property
Buying a property is an overwhelming process, especially if you have not done it before. To help you understand what to expect, we have put together a 10-step guide to buying a residential property…
Why Now Is A Good Time to Buy A House
When a new year comes, people often take the opportunity to make a big change in their lives, and change doesn’t get much bigger than buying a new house. If you’ve decided this is the year you’re going to move into a new home, now is the…
Solicitors fees for a property transaction – what a rip off?
So you’re in the middle of buying or selling a home or property? Congratulations! That’s some pretty big news! You’ve got a lot on your plate now, don’t you? Now is around the time that you’re getting an idea about the overall cost…