
How an experienced solicitor can help you avoid key pitfalls when selling property in Ireland

Working closely with an experienced solicitor is critical to avoiding many of the key pitfalls involved in selling a property in Ireland. Solicitors play a vital role in the legal process of transferring ownership, handling legal documentation, ensuring compliance, and protecting your interests. Here’s how an experienced solicitor can help you navigate and avoid the major pitfalls in selling a property:

Handling the Conveyancing Process Smoothly

  • Pitfall: Delays in the legal process, incomplete documentation, or issues with title deeds.
  • How a Solicitor Helps: A solicitor oversees the entire conveyancing process, ensuring that all legal documentation is in place. They will:
  • Draft and review contracts for the sale.
  • Ensure all legal obligations are met.
  • Communicate effectively with the buyer’s solicitor to avoid unnecessary delays.
  • Handle the completion of the sale efficiently, ensuring the timely transfer of ownership.

Title Deeds and Ownership Issues

  • Pitfall: Problems with the title deeds (e.g., lost, unclear, or defective titles) that can delay or prevent the sale.
  • How a Solicitor Helps: The solicitor will carefully review the title deeds to ensure they are in order. If there are any issues with the title, such as boundary discrepancies or charges against the property, the solicitor will resolve them before the sale progresses. This ensures that there are no last-minute problems with the transfer of ownership.

Ensuring Compliance with Legal Disclosure Requirements

  • Pitfall: Failure to disclose defects or issues with the property, which can result in legal disputes or a sale falling through.
  • How a Solicitor Helps: Your solicitor will guide you in fulfilling your legal obligation to disclose material facts about the property to potential buyers. They will:
  • Advise you on what information must be disclosed (such as structural defects or disputes over boundaries).
  • Ensure that all necessary documents (e.g., planning permissions, BER certificate) are provided to the buyer’s solicitor to avoid potential claims or delays.

Tax Compliance and Advice

  • Pitfall: Misunderstanding tax obligations, such as Capital Gains Tax (CGT) for non-primary residences or non-resident seller tax issues.
  • How a Solicitor Helps: An experienced solicitor can provide essential guidance on tax implications when selling a property. They can:
  • Help calculate any potential CGT liability.
  • Advise you on exemptions (such as Principal Private Residence Relief, if applicable).
  • Work with a tax advisor (if needed) to ensure all tax obligations are met before the sale, ensuring a smooth transaction with no surprises.

Ensuring Proper Planning Permission and Building Compliance

  • Pitfall: Modifications or extensions to the property that were carried out without planning permission can cause legal issues or delay the sale.
  • How a Solicitor Helps: Your solicitor will check that any renovations or extensions on the property have the required planning permission and comply with building regulations. They will:
  • Request the necessary compliance certificates and ensure they are included in the sale documentation.
  • Help regularize any unapproved works by obtaining the relevant permissions before putting the property on the market, thereby avoiding delays or objections from potential buyers.

Managing Issues with Co-ownership or Inheritance

  • Pitfall: Disputes or misunderstandings in cases where the property is co-owned or inherited, leading to delays or the sale falling through.
  • How a Solicitor Helps: If there are multiple owners or the property has been inherited, your solicitor will:
  • Ensure all co-owners are on board with the sale and that all legal paperwork reflects the correct ownership.
  • Help resolve any disputes or claims over the property before the sale.
  • Ensure that all parties have signed the necessary agreements to allow for the smooth transfer of ownership.

Dealing with Estate Agent Contracts and Fees

  • Pitfall: Misunderstanding estate agent contracts, fees, and commissions.
  • How a Solicitor Helps: Your solicitor can review any agreements with estate agents to ensure you are aware of the terms, fees, and any obligations you may have. They will:
  • Ensure that there are no hidden fees or unexpected costs.
  • Clarify what services the estate agent is providing and at what cost.
  • Protect your legal interests in any contracts with third parties.

Resolving Property Chain Complications

  • Pitfall: Complications arising from being part of a property chain (i.e., needing to buy or sell at the same time as others in the chain).
  • How a Solicitor Helps: Your solicitor can help manage property chain issues by:
  • Coordinating the timing of your sale and purchase (if applicable) to ensure that delays in the chain don’t affect your transaction.
  • Negotiating with solicitors and buyers to keep the sale moving forward in case of delays elsewhere in the chain.

Managing Multiple Offers and Contracts

  • Pitfall: Choosing the wrong buyer or dealing with multiple offers can lead to complications, wasted time, or deals falling through.
  • How a Solicitor Helps: Your solicitor will assist in evaluating offers and making sure any contracts with buyers are legally sound. They will:
  • Help you assess which offers are the most solid based on financial conditions (e.g., cash buyers, mortgage pre-approval).
  • Draft or review any conditional clauses (such as “subject to financing” or “subject to survey”) to ensure you are protected.
  • Help avoid legal disputes related to gazumping (accepting a higher offer after already agreeing to a sale).

Ensuring Proper Execution of Sale Contracts

  • Pitfall: Errors in drafting or signing contracts can lead to legal disputes or delays in the sale.
  • How a Solicitor Helps: A solicitor ensures that all contracts are correctly drafted, signed, and executed according to the law. They will:
  • Ensure that the contract of sale accurately reflects the terms agreed upon between you and the buyer.
  • Help negotiate any amendments or special conditions to the contract.
  • Ensure that the contract is legally binding and that all parties meet their obligations.


An experienced solicitor acts as your advocate and ensures that the legal and regulatory aspects of selling your property in Ireland are managed professionally and efficiently.

By working closely with a solicitor, you can avoid legal issues, tax pitfalls, documentation delays, and disputes, leading to a smoother and faster sale process. Their expertise helps safeguard your interests, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements and mitigating risks.

With Mullins Treacy LLP solicitors by your side, you can navigate the probate process with confidence, knowing that your legal affairs are in capable hands.

Call us on 051 391 488 or email reception@mullinstreacy.ie for a no obligation enquiry.

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